Gone are the days when you needed to proofread your articles and rubbed your eyes in exhaustion while you still missed the typos.
With ChatGPT, proofreading your written content is a breeze.
I say ‘written content’ because you can use the method below with articles you have written… or with PLR articles… or most types of content, for that matter.
Before we get started, there are 2 things you MUST know when using ChatGPT:
- We’ll only ask it to do one task at a time
- We’ll take it’s suggestions into consideration, but we’ll make the final decision.
Let’s begin!
I wrote a Pilates article…
And now I’m going to get good ol’ Chatty to correct it like an unpaid school teacher.
This is the prompt I’ll use:
I’m going to copy and paste an article. I need you to proofread it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Fix the errors for me.
I need you to bold the places where you made changes.
Once that is done, paste your article and generate.
In the image below, you’ll notice a few bolded words. These were mistakes in the original article – and Chatty has fixed them now.
It’s easier to see the changes when they’re in bold.
Now, you can either manually fix these errors in your original article or just copy and paste the entire article from ChatGPT into your Word document or text file – or whatever else you’re using.
So this sorts out the proofreading bit…
Now it’s time to improve the article!
Step 1: We’ll start a new conversation in ChatGPT. (This keeps things neat.)
Step 2: Use the prompt below.
I’m going to copy and paste an article below. I need you to suggest improvements I can make to the article (expressions, sentence construction, etc.)
These suggestions should be in list format. Do NOT change the original article.
ChatGPT has given us a list of suggestions for us to improve the original content.
Read these pointers and decide if they’re better than what’s in your article.
Step 3 : Manually copy and paste ChatGPT’s suggestions into your original article.
Keep what you want, discard what you don’t. Chatty’s suggestions are not set in stone.
Important point: It can be tempting to ask Chatty to modify the original article and add all the new suggestions.
You probably want ChatGPT to do all the work and you just copy and paste like a hero.
I know…. I knooooow… I tried that too.
Unfortunately, while Chatty gets it right on rare occasions… most of the time, it makes a mess of things, especially if you only want specific edits.
It’s usually better to make changes manually to avoid unnecessary complications/hassle.
Whatever the case, your article was proofread and you received valuable input to make it better… and you did it all in record time.
Ahem… or at least I showed you how to do it.
So, apply this tip regularly and enhance the quality of your content quickly and easily. You’re welcome.